
Welfare Road Culvert Replacement over East Branch Croton River

Southeast, NY

HVEA provided design and construction inspection services for this BridgeNY funded project, which included the removal of a 5’ diameter failing corrugated metal pipe beneath Welfare Road. It was replaced with a precast box culvert with increased hydraulic capacity as well as restoration of the streambed. Located in the NYC watershed, this environmentally sensitive project required permitting as well as an endangered/threatened species and critical habitat analyses.

The newly constructed culvert carries two 11’ wide travel lanes and was widened to accommodate for current roadway and guiderail standards. The intersection of Welfare Road and Sherwood Hill Road was also realigned to create a more perpendicular intersection, thereby making Welfare Road the “stop condition”.

This project included:

  • Bridge NY Funded project
  • NYCDEP watershed
  • Hydraulic analysis utilizing HEC-RAS
  • Scour protection
  • Erosion & Sediment Control